Sunday, April 15, 2012

Nous Ensemble

Nous ensemble, which in French means “we/us together” is an appropriate word or notion for this day of the letter N. The reason I find it so full of meaning is because when I thought originally of what to write this day, I thought to write about New Orleans. But I’ve already written quite a bit about that wonderful city of music and real life so instead my mind centered upon being together with people in three different ways.
There is of course the being together with masses of people at the French Quarter Festival this weekend. I think I’ve said enough on that without going into detail. Then there is the “nous” with our friends from France, sharing all these soul touching experiences together. And last but not-in-the-least-bit-least is sharing this month with almost 2000 other bloggers in a common goal of blogging every day (but Sunday’s) until we reach that last letter in our alphabet. Somehow knowing that there are 1800+ bloggers out there thinking about the same letter I am every day is heartening. Do you realize that “nous” we together, on this blog alone (and how many more bloggers are out there blog-hopping on other blogs?) are the size of a small town; that in fact some towns are smaller in population than we are? I find that an amazing thought; so amazing that I copied the entire list of blogs so that I can eventually visit all of them. I peruse as best I can each of the blogs that are my fellows in this adventure. I’m looking forward to, but not in a hurry to arrive at, the end of this when I can join the ranks of those who “survived” the a to z blogging challenge and proudly post that button on my blog.
So here is to us together, to “nous ensemble” and the words, photos, ideas and sweat equity we are investing in our blogs this month. I think you all are great and noble writers, artists and photographers. I hope you are gaining an experience that you feel is well worth the effort. I definitely am!

1 comment:

Thank you so much for commenting on my blog. I may not always be able to respond to the comments you leave, however, I appreciate you dropping by and will do my best to visit your blog as well, if you have one!