There are many ways to manage a project, a book, a person. What
about how a protagonist manages his/her writer? I think this is a good question
for a writer to ask his/herself. When I started
this novel I heard two people, the assassin and the writer. I didn’t hear the
detective very well. Now, having lived with all three for—I’m not telling you
how long—I realize that though I heard their voices, I didn’t manage what they
told me very well in the beginning. I wrote what I wanted them to do/think/say/feel. To a point I still do. Like a
movie based on a true story. Managing means you take the basic elements and
craft them into something unforgettable without forgetting the protag’s input.

First draft of Celia’s reaction to the knife/stranger:
A deep, painful
abiding fear of knives overrode her survival instinct, her rational thought.
She wanted only to melt into the sidewalk but, as if they were lovers, the stranger
held her so close she couldn’t resist. The thin plastic handles of her leaden
bags burning into her gloved hands started to slip from her numbing fingers.
“Don’t drop your
She fought to get
a better grip. “I, I--”
Celia’s heart flip-flopped into full
pounding but she did what he ordered. Because of the knife. She started to
After Celia stomped her foot and said, “Listen to me, I’m no
wimp!” we revised:
She felt a body bump into her from behind but her
bags tangled against her legs and she couldn’t move any faster. Before she
could react, someone grabbed her, spun her around and put an arm around her, shoving
her face into the middle of his chest before she could see his face.
Celia reacted
instantly, pushed back against him with her elbows, protest on her lips. But
before one word escaped, before her heart-beat aligned with her escalating
panic, the stranger slipped his other hand beneath her open coat and pressed a
sharp point against her back ribs. A knife. She knew immediately, with a
loathsome intimacy, the feel of a knife and what damage it could do. She
whispered her prayer, “Not again! Please God—” Then a bomb went off inside her
head and she started to scream.
She had more guts than I’d given her credit for. The “meat” of the
story is unchanged, but how I "managed" to get it across paints a very different
picture of Celia.
I think, sometimes, managing can take you in a totally different direction then you originally intended. Just one of the great things about writing, though!
ReplyDeleteI agree! Makes the puzzle of putting together a novel that much more interesting.