About today; I hate moving. My husband and I have spent the
last three weeks “boxing up” our house, going through EVERYTHING, getting rid
of some things, throwing others away and keeping some, so that we can downsize,
so that we can not own a house anymore, so that we can move on to the next
stage in our lives. We don’t know what that stage will be yet, but we are
excited/happy/scared about this new adventure we have embarked upon.
All this going through belongings doesn't mean I've forgotten my
current work in progress, that I’m not working on, except in my head. In fact, I miss
writing every day, yet I find this character-who is supposed to be a “secondary”-is now a constant presence every night before I go to sleep. As his story
progresses, I’m more and more intrigued with what he is telling/teaching me about himself. I think the “cleaning
out/emptying” of my home/house is helping my muse, clearing out the clutter so I can finally see/hear him. So though I am very tired most of the
time right now, and we are not by any means done, my darling muse is busy in my head while my hands are busy in
my life.
I still hate moving and all that that entails, but I am happy my muse/story seems to be profiting from this (re)arrangement...
Everything off the walls we want to keep, yikes! |
My mom behind a wall of boxes scrounged from Dollar Store recycle bins! |
More boxes of stuff we want to keep. |
Everything (from downstairs!) we are getting rid of!!!! Wow! How did we collect so much stuff??!! |
Our rooms might be emptying, but not my head... |
Working on our writing is still working on our writing when we do it in our head. We have to do that bit before there's anything to type up.
ReplyDeleteHi Lisa - not owning ... does mean you're free to travel. A great change in your lives ... but I'm glad the muse is working and she is determined that you will continue on ...
ReplyDeleteAll the best - cheers Hilary
What a great post. Moving is something we all go through at some point and it's such a key turning point at any time in your life. I love what you're going through with your muse, I can feel the itch you must keep getting to pick up a pen and get some of this stuff down. And your pile of things you're getting rid of? Makes me wonder about the story behind each piece. Best of luck with your move :)
ReplyDeleteACK!!! Just looking at all your moving pictures brings me dread. I remember moving and it's so hard and time consuming. But, it does help a family to clear away the clutter that's built up. And I like what you said about cleaning out your house, it also helping you clear away the clutter in your mind, which is helping your muse. Very Good! Keep it up! And good luck with the move.
ReplyDeleteYeah, moving is not pretty or fun. I still remember packing our little apartment to move into a house four years ago and wondering how the hell did we collect so much stuff. Of course we already had a child and another on the way. And my husband had had it with living in a hole in the wall (his words). But if cleaning house gets your muse musing, then happy cleaning and musing on.
ReplyDeleteI have been in my home for 44 years. I have cleaned and thrown out junk so many times, but I still dread the thought of packing up 'stuff' and moving someday. I hope your move goes smoothly.
ReplyDeleteThat is a lot of work. Good luck. It is also cleansing and freeing. It gives me the nudge to work on my clutter room. Thanks for co-hosting IWSG this month!
ReplyDeleteMary at Play off the Page
Then maybe the moving and de-cluttering is good for your story.
ReplyDeleteThanks for co-hosting this month in the middle of your chaos. You rock.
Hey, that's a pretty organized mess. Way to go! I'm wishing you much sanity through your move and that everything will go smoothly.
ReplyDeleteI hate moving, too. Almost a year ago now, I moved from one end of the east coast to the other, and it was such a huge undertaking.
ReplyDeleteIt's great that you're finally able to see/hear that character!
Best of luck with your move!
Having moved several times as a kid - I understand. My parents are now facing this task and are downsizing from a 4 storey - 4 bedroom house to a 1 level - 1 bedroom seniors place. I have a feeling that all the things they couldn't give away but won't fit into their new place is coming to "live" with me.
ReplyDeleteYour idea that cleaning out the clutter is helping your muse is a good one. Hopefully the move, the next phase of your life and your WIP are successful.
I moved every year as a kid, and mostly as an adult except for the last 26 years. I'm amazed at how stuffed our condo has become. My mother always washed down the walls of the house we were leaving, God forbid someone would think we were unclean. I hope you are moving to a community and look forward to making new friends.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with that endeavor. I hate moving too. My husband is a professor and every seven years he can apply for a sabbatical. We moved for his first and never again! I have to step away from the computer for my muse to speak. Running helps.
ReplyDeleteHappy Downsizing and thank you so much for co-hosting the IWSG this month. I can imagine that there are lots of things that you are throwing away. Isn't it amazing how much we collect and how many things we store away and forget about them?
ReplyDeleteAll the best and it is good to hear that your muse is still with you even through the chaos.
Ha! I once had a 'secondary' character who ended up becoming the main character after a series of rewrites--she's now the main character of my urban fantasy series. So watch out for those pesky little critters, they can take over!
ReplyDeleteGood luck on the move!
It's amazing what shifting things around in our lives will do for our fiction. Good luck with this story:)
ReplyDeleteMoving is the pits. That's a LOT of stuff to get rid of, also. Do you live in a neighborhood where you can put the salvageable stuff on the street, and it's disappeared by morning? lol
ReplyDeleteThanks for co-hosting!
Decluttering and cleaning always helps my muse too. May your move go smoothly!
ReplyDeleteI hate moving, too. But know that soon you'll be settled and your muse will be waiting. You already have a great attitude, now just think of the fun the two of you are going to have. Thanks for co-hosting, Lisa.
ReplyDeleteYour pictures make me shudder. Like you, I hate moving. However, the adventure you are on sounds wonderful. I love newness, setting, routine, sights, sounds, etc. I can see how this would inspire a muse. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteWow! That looks like a large endeavor. I'm glad to hear it's helping your muse!
ReplyDeleteThanks for co-hosting!
Declutter the house, declutter the mind.
ReplyDeleteAs writers, we don't have to be typing to be be writing :)
I hate moving too, but it can be fun to reorganizing and decorating. I hope your move goes well!
ReplyDeleteWow! That's challenging to do. But, I have to admit, it's something I really need to do. I KNOW I have way to much garbage I've been collecting.
ReplyDeleteWishing you the best in all your endeavours.
Moving is a big undertaking. We're going to downsize sometime in the near future. Even though I'm good at not collecting things, we have a lot of stuff. At least you're getting to think about your writing.
ReplyDeleteI think sometimes, the best way to attune ourselves to your inner muse is by busying ourselves without a physical task, such as moving. I have had some of the best ideas on a spin bike at the YMCA where I used to work out. Also, when I do my morning workout, there's something about movement and energy in my mind. Your characters will be so great when your through moving. Good luck with everything. It's really great how your mom can help out. :)
ReplyDeleteIt was about this time last year that my husband and I were in the middle of packing and moving, too. We're still not totally settled yet. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your move!
Yikes, moving is never fun (at least the packing up part!) But it is great to clean out the clutter that we all inevitably accumulate, and it's great that it's helping your muse!
ReplyDeleteI was an Air Force brat so moving was an everyday thing for us, but I hated it. I know how you feel. I've been rooted for awhile now and face downsizing. Perhaps I move on.
ReplyDeleteMoving out of the house is a huge job. (I won't mention the moving in part is a job too!) Who knew your boxing up and moving out the clutter, would allow your character to shine. Planning the story and shaping it in your head is a very important part of the process. You box up your things and I take a walk to figure out the story.It's all good. Good luck with the move and with the next stage in your life.!
ReplyDeleteSometimes our muse works best when we're tired. Be sure to listen to what he/she has to say.
ReplyDeleteI dread the day I have to downsize. I'm kind of a hoarder.
Thanks for co-hosting this month's IWSG!
Cleaning and de-cluttering is my favorite thing to do when I'm stuck on a piece of writing, or even if I'm feeling a little down. So therapeutic! I hope everything goes well with your move, and the next chapter of your life is full of happiness and excitement :)
ReplyDeleteMoving is so stressful. I'm not a hoarder and have regular clear-outs. Sometimes I clear out cupboards to de-stress. It is when I'm cleaning or clearing that I get my best ideas. They just pop into my head - probably bored with the mundane job I'm doing. Thank you for co-hosting! Great post!
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine the horror of moving. Probably it'd be better to light a match and run rather than try to pack every thing.
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting this month!
Author of Wilder Mage at Spirit Called
Facebook Wilder Mage
Oh, I can so relate to this. Moving is no fun at all. It never ceases to amaze me how much stuff one can collect in a not-so-long period of time. I love getting rid of clutter. Right now, my house needs another good going-through. It's great that your muse is running rampant with your story. When you finally get time to sit down and write, you'll have the whole story already done in your head.
ReplyDeleteThanks for co-hosting!
Best of luck with your move and the start of a new adventure. Thanks for co-hosting IWSG this month.
ReplyDeleteWriting in ones head can sure work too. One can collect a lot of things over the years.
ReplyDeleteDecluttering is surely one way to sweep the cobwebs from one's brain. We don't really know how much stuff we have until we want to move... Whatever happens, wherever you go, have fun!
ReplyDeleteMy mom always maintained that moving house was akin to a natural disaster. My commiserations. And congrats on your blooming muse. It's the best gift, the best stage of writing, that story unfolding in your head, coming alive.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you lucked when you muse worked better while you were tired. Moving is always hard.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you have to move. That's very stressful, but I agree it's also a great chance to think and develop story ideas, plot lines, and characters. Just because a writer isn't typing on their computer doesn't mean they aren't working. Good luck on the move!
ReplyDeleteI find moving to some new place very liberating. At last I have until now. At age 75 I just want to stay in place.
ReplyDeleteI wish you well in whatever endeavor you are involved in, and I thank you for taking the time to come over from Denise Covey's to make a comment on my wordpress blog. I enjoy your pictures; they tell the story. And keep that muse as your companion. Good luck!
Moving is never easy. Been there, done that--too many times. In the end, home is where you and your family is. Best wishes. Thanks for co-hosting this month.
ReplyDeleteBy the time you get the moving and relocation completed, you'll be more than ready to write again.
ReplyDeleteMoving is hard. At first purging is hard too, but then it can be cleansing and rewarding. When we moved a year ago, we purged almost a whole Salvation Army truck load of stuff. It felt wonderful to be giving to people who were in need and knowing that things (like my rocking chair from when my daughter was born) might be loved and used by some other mother.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like you're making real progress on the packing! And mouthy secondary characters can go such interesting places.
ReplyDeleteI hope the move goes smoothly for you. I've only ever moved once in my life and I plan to hold off moving again for as long as possible ;)
ReplyDeleteUgh. Moving is annoying. I did it every two years and each time I ended up with more stuff to move. I feel your pain!
ReplyDeleteHolly cow, you are in the middle of a life changing move. We went through something similar in 2006 when we sold/gave away/tossed away our stuff and moved onto our sailboat, LA VITA. It takes a lot of courage to reduce your Christmas ornaments collection so they will fit in a shoe box. It can be done. You'll find your new normal and thrive in ways you never thought possible. Cheers.
ReplyDeleteDownsizing is hard to do, but so worth the effort. It is fun to start over again! This is my first IWSG day and I'm enjoying the experience of networking with other writers.
ReplyDeleteOhhh can I EVER relate. My husband is seriously ill and his business did not do well, so we have to downsize to an apartment. I should be starting the effort to downsize, but I don't know yet what I need to get rid of. My husband would probably say I need to get rid of everything... GROAN. You are incredibly organized. You are so inspirational! Good Luck!!!
ReplyDeleteDownsizing and not writing can make the juices flow. I hope you're keeping notes on your phone as you make those breakthroughs. :-)
ReplyDeleteAnna from elements of emaginette
Moving is one of the most stressful things in life, but I love new places. Ah...quite the dilemma.
ReplyDeleteThank you for co-hosting this month's IWSG, Lisa. I moved so many time over the years that I don't ever want to move again. Of course, this is probably unlikely but I can hope. Your comments about helping your muse, however, has encouraged me to start cleaning out my clutter.
ReplyDeleteI hate moving, but I love being moved into a new home once I'm in. I agree with some of the other commenters, working on writing is still working on writing. When you are brainstorming in your head you are still getting work done, working through plot holes and scenes. I get a lot of issues worked out while driving and walking.
ReplyDeleteI found moving to be quite traumatic. I don't think it's something I want to do again, unless absolutely necessary.
ReplyDeleteThanks for co-hosting the IWSG this month!
Your a year ahead of me. I too dread moving. We've lived in our family home thirty years. The kids know only this home. But it's time to make a change. What you are going through is why I'm dragging my feet!
ReplyDeleteI love going through closets and turfing stuff that no longer matters. The more I am able to see large empty spaces on my shelves and cupboards, it seems there's more room to just breathe and feel the flow of creative energy. The trick is to not go shopping, LOL. Good luck with the move.
ReplyDeleteClutter free brain! That sounds awesome.
ReplyDeleteGood look with your move and your WIP!
Hey Lisa,
ReplyDeleteWhat a moving post. Thinking outside the blog, um, box. Yet, this new adventure inspires your muse. Happy unpacking and have some relax time.
Gary :)
Hi Lisa! I'm so glad you can still work on your novel in your head amongst that very tidy clutter! Good luck with the move!
ReplyDelete(Thanks for visiting my blog, saying hello to Ann Best then visiting her new blog!)
I've done more than my fair share of moving, and it's always hard. But it does feel good to lighten the load a little. By the time you get back to your WIP, you'll be able to knock it out after all this downtime you've spent with the characters. Best of luck with the rest of your move and getting back to your story!
ReplyDeleteI hate moving too, but for most of my life its been about an every two year event. I purchased this house about two years ago - hmm, so far, no plans to vacate, lol.
ReplyDeleteFunny how doing mundane, physical tasks can stimulate the creative juices. At least you are getting a benefit from this move.
Sorry for my lateness. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
ReplyDeleteMoving is tough, but I’m glad that it isn’t bogging down your muse.
Thanks for co-hosting this month.