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“King has gifted us an immersive world, filled with memorable characters. What an adventure! All fantasy novels should have this kind of momentum.”
- Carrie Butler, author of the award-winning Mark of Nexus series COMING TODAY, APRIL FIRST! NO JOKE!
A princess. A dragon. Their quest.
Terrible things happen whenever Princess Celesia falls in love—she blacks out and attacks her suitors, which makes an alliance with a more powerful nation impossible. Believing that she’s cursed, Celesia is given two choices: marry without love, or be responsible for her kingdom’s demise. Instead, she sneaks off in search of a remedy.
She doesn’t make it far when she encounters a dragon who bears a curse of his own—he is a prince, desperate to reclaim his humanity before the dragon takes over. He's heard of a stone that can lift both of their curses, but neither of them can find it alone, and they’re not the only ones after it. An evil alchemist is intent on using it to steal the land’s magic and dominate the realm. Only together, with the help of an even greater magic, can Celesia and the dragon stop this evil, or be bound forever by their curses.
David was born in beautiful downtown Burbank, California where his love for film inspired him to write. His works include the internationally published YA Fantasy Woven and The Undead Road: My Zombie Summer. An avid fan of science fiction and fantasy, David also has a soft spot for zombies and the paranormal. He now lives in the mountain West with his wife and four children.
Now, on to my insecure post, which will be short again, I hope. First, here is the important information about IWSG...
Our Twitter handle is: @TheIWSG
Our hashtag is: #IWSG
Our wonderful co-hosts this month are:
Please feel free to visit their blogs and thank them for co-hosting this month!
Also, if you'd like, take advantage of the (first idea) April 1st question here below. You could make it a doozy since it is, after all April Fool's Day!
Do you have any rituals that you use when you need help getting into the ZONE? Care to share?
Or, and this isn't as funny, or maybe you can make it funny, the second idea question is: How are you doing in lock-down-mode/cloistering/sequestering/being alone/not being alone?!
I don't have any real rituals so I'll go straight to the craziness of life at the moment and how I want it to affect my writing. Since I am "stuck" at home, I can't see a good, logical reason for not writing. So, I'm setting a schedule for myself and I will let you know in May if I was able to stick to it, and, if I succeed in finishing this novel! Argh!
My schedule is/will be:
Three hours a day (or more) until I am done with this novel. I am committing to a full three hours, not doing anything but writing/revising. I will do this every afternoon until it is done. That is my commitment to myself. Wish me luck!!!
I wish you ALL luck. I wish that you will ALL stay safe and healthy until we make it through this...
I would like to self isolate/work from home/social distance. So far, my employer still thinks ordering trinkets for Travel Centers is essential business and won't let us take any vacation time. We work (travel) or we don't get paid. Big Sigh!!
ReplyDeleteGood luck keeping to your schedule with all the family hanging around.
Hi Lisa - I'm ignoring it too as far as my blog posting is concerned - good luck to David with his new book ... and to you, your hubby and your family ... take care - cheers Hilary
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to David and to you for three hours a day.
ReplyDeleteStay safe and thanks for co-hosting.
Glad that you are focusing on your writing and wish you all the best in achieving your goal.
ReplyDeleteI'm committed to writing through this time as well.
ReplyDeleteAnd yard work. I'm one of the locked down people. No excuses.
Thanks for co-hosting. Stay well!
Congrats to David!!! Love the cover! I like your schedule, and love the quote. I just got my ms back from an editor and I'm in the process of editing my book, hopefully for the last time before publishing it. Thank you for co-hosting. Stay healthy.
ReplyDeleteDavid's book does sound exciting. Thank you for co-hosting this month.
All the best.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange
Congratulations, David. Your book has a beautiful cover and that always indicates to me that someone cared enough to make sure it looked perfect. Happy IWSG day. Thanks for co-hosting, Lisa!
ReplyDeleteMy morning ritual - coffee-black, social media while caffeine kicks in, breakfast w more coffee-flavored (the best part of the day is picking the flavor-I'm retired, can't you tell?), e-mails, then as pets clean plate - on to the WIP with all brain cells firing! Thanks for co-hosting this month, Lisa!
ReplyDeleteDavid's book sounds amazing!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your writing schedule. I'm sure you'll get the book done on time.
Stay safe!
Thank you for co-hosting the IWSG today.
Wishing you all the luck for achieving your writing goals! Thanks so much for co-hosting this month :)
ReplyDeleteThe best of luck with your writing schedule - be well!
ReplyDeleteLove dragons, and romance. Sounds enticing, David. Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to David! The book sounds wonderful! Thank you for co-hosting and for bringing a bit of light into all this darkness. Take care!
ReplyDeleteYour friend's book sounds wonderful. Huzzah to him for continuing life as normal for a writer and getting his book launch out there!
ReplyDeleteCongrats to David and may we all get through this.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck sticking to your plans, but I hope you'll go easy on yourself if that proves too difficult. Thanks for co-hosting. Stay safe and well, my friend!
ReplyDeleteA princess and a dragon traveling together--what's not to like about that! Good luck with this book, David. Sounds wonderful.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to David!
ReplyDeleteThanks for co-hosting this month, and best wishes on all of your writing.
I am so interesting in David's book! As for the rest of it... yes it's weird and crazy out there, but I'm still breathing, which makes it a good day, particularly as I'm in that over 65 group. (Which is sooooo strange by itself.) Stay safe, stay well.
ReplyDeleteCongrats to David! I love the cover on this book, and will be picking it up.
ReplyDeleteI really need to buckle down and strap myself to the writing chair soon, but everything is keeping my on my toes even more than usual. Take care!
I wish I had that committment level you possess! I plan to outline a new novel. But I'm busy reading books to my daughter and having fun:)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the lovely shout out, Lisa! I suppose I have a few rituals, like a music playlist and a quick browse of my social media, then a rough outline of what I plan to write for the next hour or so (below the text to be written). Hadn't thought of it as a ritual until now, though. Stay safe out there! :)
ReplyDeleteA good fantasy is perfect reading for these trying times.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with finishing that novel!
ReplyDeleteTake care! Thanks for co-hosting today.
Nice to get to know you a little. :-)
ReplyDeleteAnna from elements of emaginette
Good luck on your endeavor! Three hours a day, I hope you get alot done. Right now, I'm doing 1 hour for my Camp Nano words. Thanks for co-hosting.
I can't say I'm very self-disciplined with routines; except brushing my teeth, going to be about 9pm, making coffee before my hubby wakes up. We are US citizens and have no home in the USA. As a result, Mexico is our home...well, La Vita, our sailboat is our home and we are in a marina. At the moment things are calm, but testing is limited and social distancing is not well understood. Many business are closed. Streets are nearly empty. However, this week is Easter and folks flock to the the beaches. Thank you co-hosting IWSG blog-hop.
ReplyDeleteLynn La Vita blog: Writers Supporting Writers
Three hours of writing a day is a big goal. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI hope you consider breaking up that 3 hours in the afternoon with a coffee break, throwing in the laundry, starting dinner, etc. I usually do writerly things every day from 1-3 pm, but always take time to get up and move around. You can do it! Sounds like you are determined. (And it's okay if you miss a day.) Best wishes. Finishing a novel is an excellent way to spend this stay-at-home experience.
ReplyDeleteJQ Rose
Thanks to a lack of tutoring sessions, I've got more time to write than ever before. If only I could get myself to wake up earlier now that the kids aren't having to get up early for school.
ReplyDeleteThanks for co-hosting this month!
Sounds like a good way to make the best of a bad situation. I'm hoping to get a lot of my own work done, while we're all caged in.
ReplyDeleteI spent 3 hours working on edits today. I did take a lunch break and a walk in between. Congrats to David. Stay healthy . and thank you for co-hosting.
ReplyDeleteYes, good bye March! Don't let the door hit on the way out. In fact, the faster 2020 goes by the better, as far as I'm concerned. Thanks for co-hosting this month! Sending you wishes for continued good health and safety.
ReplyDeleteI'm committing to 3 hours a day also. Three hours for a clients book and three hours a day on my own, with a lunch break in between. Good luck to both of us:)
ReplyDeleteStay healthy and safe!
Great goal, Lisa. My mind is all over the place so I'm struggling to write. Stay safe and thanks for co-hosting this month.
ReplyDeleteI didn't write about C-19 either. We're so saturated with it in the news every day that I didn't want to focus on it for this. I work from home as a matter of course with my job so the staying home part hasn't been that much of an adjustment for me. The extra free time I'm getting on the weekends from not having to run around I've been using to write. I've really enjoyed this because it gives me an escape from the stress. Good luck finishing your novel and thanks for co-hosting!
ReplyDeleteThough I've got extra time at home, I'm still on the clock--teaching from home. In some ways that's easier than doing it in the classroom, and in some ways, it's harder. But we're getting by. Keep on keeping on! @samanthabwriter from
ReplyDeleteBalancing Act
Hi, Lisa! Thanks for co-hosting today! David's book sounds awesome. The one thing I have scheduled that I'm absolutely not missing is my FaceTime sessions with my trainer three times a week. Julie's making sure I'm going to stay strong and fit and not turn into a marshmallow. Right now I'm cooking and baking more and lingering over coffee and homemade biscotti as I listen to Governor Cuomo every morning. I don't live anywhere near New York, but watching him take charge and tackle this virus calms me and gives me hope. Good luck with your writing commitment for April. Stay safe and take care.
ReplyDeleteI think your plan to write everyday for three hours is brilliant and worth copying. I'll try it too and let you know if it works. Thanks for co-hosting and stay safe.
ReplyDeleteGood luck on your writing goals. I don't expect to get much writing done here as my teenagers need me to put on my teacher hat, cooking hat, take-me-outside-for-a -couple-of-hours hat, you get the idea. Even the cats say, "Hey, that feather won't move by itself and I haven't been brushed or fed for at least 15 minutes. Get over here, human!"
ReplyDeleteIt's great that you're using this time. I'm getting a lot more writing done as well during this time. Maybe that's the silver lining. Keep going! I look forward to hearing how you did next month!
ReplyDeleteThose are great quotes. Thanks for co-hosting!
ReplyDeleteI'm always home anyway, but I haven't been able to write lately. I hope that changes.
ReplyDeleteStay safe!
Hi Lisa. Thank you for sharing your preview/review of David’s fantasy novel, sounds exciting.
ReplyDeleteLove your IWSG response to the first question with the Muse quote. The best of luck for your April writing on your novel, I’m sure that you will be inspired. I headed your advice of March 2019 on IWSG , my monthly post. And Am writing my novel for the A to Z 2020 challenge. My writing fairy is definitely impressed, she visits every day now since I started writing again several hours a day in December 2018, after a two year hibernation period in 2016/17.
We have a date in May. Hope you and your family in the States and in Blagnac are safe. Take care.
So excited to see David's book here. It looks and sounds fabulous!
ReplyDeleteI need to find more time to write now that I am working from home. Hopefully I can get into a schedule and find a good time to write each day. :)
Thanks for co-hosting this month.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing The Dragon's Heart. I hope the release went well.
I wish you all the best with your writing schedule and goals. I look forward to your update next month.
Stay safe.