Wednesday, June 02, 2021

OMG It's June #2 IWSG


Okay, so I missed last month completely. First time I've done that in a long time. I guess I will forgive myself, especially since I remembered this month, a little late, yes, but as Alex said, I remembered!

I haven't been writing. It's harder to forgive myself for not writing. But I have been in my garden creating new stories there, with plants. I think of my WIP and know I will get back to it soon, but in the meantime I must play in the dirt. I must arrange my beds and make sure I do whatever I need to for my plants to thrive, and make their own stories. This is necessary for my sanity right now. I have gone back to work in a "day" job, and will work most of the summer, to make up for last year when I couldn't work (outside the home). Last year I wrote and hit my goal of getting my novel "Rain" out before Christmas. I am very happy about that. So, until I take up the proverbial pen, my spade will be my quill, and I will smile each time I look to my garden/yard and see what I have helped nature to create. I wish all of you a happy summer, one where we can get OUT and literally breathe again. See you in July!

Please visit our IWSG co-hosts this month and thank them for being there for us all, 

J Lenni Dorner, Sarah Foster, Natalie Aguirre, Lee Lowery, Rachna Chhabria!

Enjoy my flowers. They are the stories I am telling right now!


  1. What a very pretty story you have!

  2. Hi Lisa - I saw your previous post ... and you're here. Your garden looks gorgeous and will provide you haven from the hours you're working, and be there for you when you're in the garden. Just enjoy all things ... we need solace and peace ... stay safe with your family - Hilary

  3. Lovely flowers! This month, a lot of IWSG-ers have mentioned spending time in the garden. I am one of them. It's soothing and rewarding...well, until the pesky bunnies arrive.

  4. You are still creating and that's what matters.

  5. The flowers are gorgeous.
    Take care and stay safe.

  6. Creating new stories in your garden. I love that!

  7. Beautiful flowers. You do what you need for your sanity - and the words and time will come later. Enjoy the summer and fresh air. :)


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