Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Surprised By September! IWSG Also

So working full time has messed with my schedule. I totally thought next week was the first Wednesday in September, not today! Once again I have done no writing, same as August. However, I'm crocheting every day and that gives me a semblance of having "done" something worthwhile (making things for friends and family is so much fun!). My job is worthwhile I know. But I do that for others, not for myself. Anyone who works with children has a worthwhile job. Writing was fun and worthwhile in the beginning, for me. When it turned into a way to "earn money" and be a "real" writer, I began to hate it (the marketing really). So, now, since I've taken a break from writing, I am returning to thoughts of my current work in progress and listening to where the story/characters want to take me. This is the part of writing I LOVE. So, hopefully soon, I will be able to indulge in continuing my writer's journey. I wish you all well on your own writing journeys and, meanwhile, we are happy to have our dream retaining wall terraces going in so I can plant more! Happy end of Summer everyone!


  1. That will be cool when it's finished.
    Sounds like you needed the break last month to find the joy again.

  2. A retaining wall - so clever.

    I still thought last weekend should've been Labor Day.

  3. My gosh, look at all the progress you're making with your garden! Gorgeous house, too. (Okay, I'm done being snoopy.) I think it's all too easy for "success" pressure to crush the joy out of a hobby. Take time to find the joy.

  4. Selfishly, I love your novels so much, I hope you get inspired again. Crocheting and gardening are alternate art forms and I’m happy you find joy in that creativity.

  5. Oo. Yard project. Love it!

  6. What a pretty house! Your wall will be great. Make sure to post pictures of the final outcome!

  7. Hi Lisa - I can understand the 'pushing marketing' aspect isn't at all easy and so frustrating too ... but please keep writing - you have wonderful stories to tell. Once your wall is finished ... your writing and planting can go hand in hand! In the meantime enjoy the crocheting. All the best and so pleased to read the good news - enjoy yourselves. Cheers Hilary

  8. I totally understand!! Looking at writing as a job killed the thrill. Now, I work for money and write for fun. Loving it!

    You're right. Kids matter. We fail them, we fail our future. You go, girl!!

    Also love the wall. :)


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