Wednesday, July 03, 2024


Good day to you all! Sorry to those of you who got to this post before I did! I am on the other side of the world and in my traveling forgot what day it was! I beg pardon.

I am back in a country that I first went to exactly 50 years ago. New Zealand. Long before LOTR made it a “destination”, it has been a place I hold dear in my heart, not only because it’s a beautiful country to be in, but because it is also where I began to become who I am. When you are 14 years old and go to the other side of the planet far from anyone you know (except for literally one person, and even that was not a close relationship  at the time), it changes everything. I wrote in my journal here. I discovered a new friend that is still my friend now, and I grew out of myself, which is a feat when you’re only 14, to discover a love of travel and counting on myself to make it through fear and not always being in control. 
This place is precious to me. It gave me back a true appreciation of my parents and of family, and that chosen family comes in many forms, if one is lucky. So here’s a toast to the challenges life gives us and how we learn to deal with those challenges. Here’s to writing those memories down, to being grateful that we wrote and can go back to re-meet that younger, more innocent/naive, and brave person we used to be. 

Below are the lovely co-hosts this month for the IWSG! Please go by and thank them for being there for us this July!
Doing this on my iPad is making it a bit difficult to post properly, sorry! At least I got it all here! 

(Also, for the question of the month, which is about what writing  software you use, I use word. Tried Scrivner but guess the learning curve was more than I wanted to invest in. With word I can just write and not worry about anything but putting the words down.)

Here are some photos of this beautiful island…


  1. Hi, Lisa,
    I think you forgot to post your article. I see our badge, and it says your July post is here, but it isn't. I hope you see my message. I will be back.
    Shalom shalom
    Pat Garcia

  2. Lisa Buie-Collard5:59 PM

    Thanks so much for letting me know! You saved the day for me!

  3. Hi, Lisa,
    The pictures are beautiful. I have heard so many things about New Zealand and maybe one day I will visit there to see it for myself.
    Yes, Scrivener has a steep learning curve. I have it but I haven't been using it. I write with Microsoft Word for the Mac and Pages. However, I will give Scrivener another chance, starting this month.
    Have a wonderful trip.
    Shalom shalom

  4. I was also traveling yesterday so Happy Belated IWSG Day! I feel you on the learning curve for Scrivener. Luckily, you've found something that works for you and that's all that matters. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures, I hope you're enjoying a fabulous time!


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