Wednesday, October 02, 2024

October Has Blown In With A Vengeance IWSG

 I didn't know what I was going to write about this month. I waited until the words came, now, and the first word is Helene. This world has so many disasters happening in it right now, that to say this one is so completely horrible and devastating feels almost surreal, not reality. But most of my family, and a LOT of my friends have been hit hard. I am so grateful that so far everyone is alive and doing all right, everything considered. My sister has power again, but no internet. The roads are starting to be cleared so my parents can come down off the mountain they live on, for now, but cousins are stuck, brother and sister in law are stuck, can't get out to get food or water or internet service, and are hoping to be relieved soon...

My issues are so small, except for this. My family. My friends who lived through the devastation are very important, and so their issues have become paramount for me. Please, help in any way you can, donating, sending prayer, sending positive and healing thoughts, whatever you can, please do it. And, not just for this most recent disaster, but for all of the conflicts happening all over our planet. Because we are all human, and eventually, what happens "far" away from us, affects us in one way or another. 

Life lines are a part of healing and rebuilding. IWSG is a life line for a lot of us, keeps us in, even if it's only a toe in the water at times. I am grateful for this medium and all it offers to us. So, on to that part of this post.

October 2 question - Ghost stories fit right in during this month. What's your favorite classic ghostly tale? Tell us about it and why it sends chills up your spine.

Well, my favorite ghost story is Evangeline's Miracle, my first published novel, so guess I don't need to give the reason why! Please give it a shot if you like ghosts, from the past and present...

And, please go and thank our other amazing co-hosts this month for being there for us!

Kim Lajevardi  

Diedre Knight 

J Q Rose 

An Oregon Coast Sunset September 2024


  1. I'm so glad your family and friends are safe after going through Helene. I'm so sorry for what they may be going through if their properties and communities were ones with lots of damage. I feel so bad for people having to go through these terrible natural disasters.

  2. I will say prayers for your family. What I am reading in the news is appalling. You are right that everything comes back to us somehow. It's a scary time...

  3. I'm sorry your family was hit by the flooding. It's terrible. Whole towns just wiped out. It is hard to fathom. Prayers everyone can get out soon.


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