Wednesday, March 05, 2025

In Come The Ides of March IWSG

The Ides of March is the Roman calendar date of March 15, 
which is associated with the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 BCE
The term "Ides" comes from the Latin word iduare, which means "to divide

Interesting that Ides comes from Iduare, to divide. 
We are in such a state of flux right now, I find no surprise in this timing.

And now on to another subject! I've been "binge reading" a series called "The Guardians of Ga'Hoole. Have any of you read it? There are a few spin offs as well about wolves and such. Meant for children (published by Scholastic) it makes me think of Harry Potter in how it was written for children/youth, but adults loved it too. If you like owls, these are the books for you. The author Kathryn Laske, is a wonderful world builder. She creates such an interesting and full place that sometimes I feel I'm flying right along with the owls. I'm learning as well, from reading all of these novels together. I've only binged with a few other authors. Anne McCaffrey is one, Ray Bradbury another, C.S. Lewis and of course Tolkien. Also C.S. Harris and her St. Cyr Mysteries and our own Alex Cavanaugh's Cassa series. Well... I guess I have binged quite a few! I don't know if I could ever write a series, but maybe one day I'll give it a try.

Now, on to the IWSG portion of this post today! 

The question of the day is "If you could be anyone or anything in the world, what would it be?
There are so many things to be, so many people who inspire, yet, I think I would still choose to be me. "The grass is greener..." analogy works best for my reasoning. Too many unknowns to being something or someone else. I'll just be here and continue learning to love me, warts and all, lol.

Please go by our co-hosts this month and thank them for being who they are!

Now for the necessary photos this month... Photos (large size for the details) in February and the COOOOLLLDDD! These are all in Hocking Hills, The Old Man's Cave section, southeast Ohio.


  1. I haven't binged on this author, but I've binged on many middle grade, young adult, and adult authors. I love finding an author I really like. And the pictures are gorgeous.

  2. That frozen river is amazing!
    Thanks for mentioning you enjoyed my books.
    That was my answer - I only want to be me.

  3. Those photos are stunning! I'm wishing for spring though. I hope they've begun to melt! Like you, i think I'd just rather stick with being me.

  4. Frozen waterfalls are so pretty.

    I've never read any Ga'Hoole books but I do remember seeing the movie many years ago.

  5. Hi,
    thank you for showing us the beauty of nature. It is simply awesome!
    Shalom shalom

  6. The book sounds very interesting. Owls captured my interest right away. Thanks for mentioning it and for sharing those beautiful images of water suspended.


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